현물 비트코인 ETF는 화요일 거의 4개월 만에 가장 큰 유출을 겪으며 시장 심리가 침체되었습니다.#} 화요일 (9월 3일) 현물 비트코인 ET
On Tuesday (September 3), the spot bitcoin ETF experienced its largest outflow in four months, totaling more than $287 million. According to Farside Investors, the outflow was the largest since May. Investor enthusiasm for bitcoin ETFs has dropped significantly, with the total assets of the spot fund now around $52.60 billion, $10 billion less than its peak. Bitcoin prices fell to around $58,400 from a record of $73,000 set in March, and the price fell nearly 3% on Tuesday. The Ethereum spot ETF also took a hit, with related funds outflows exceeding $52 million. Investors in Wall Street banks and hedge funds still held bitcoin ETFs in the second quarter, but overall capital flows were weak.